Client Projects

Advertising small businesses and events are crucial to bringing attendees and eyes on you. I've helped a few clients make advertisements in order to promote an event or their local business.


Throughout the course of my freelance work, I've taken on responsibilities to show the process of how certain productions go on and document the artists. Productions include music engineering, photoshoots, big news for artists, etc.

It's always fun to document how artists present their creative process; I can draw inspiration from their body of work and respecting the process.


In order to expand my horizons as a videographer and editor, I've taken on a couple of gigs that include musical performances/music videos. These two projects were very fun to produce results for, and future music performances may be on the horizon.


This particular project, I was introduced as a camera operator through my former high school mentor. The three sessions were to produce a proof of concept live show for Ashleigh's vision.